Black Outreach to Black men proved most successful when we focused on conservatism’s ability to protect their growing economics.Presenting a message to them based on financial success secured a conservative victory in Georgia, and the same message will secure a conservative victory in 2024 nationwide.
Now that we have solid proof validating our outreach work, it’s time to consider how conservative politics can be sold to Black women. Often times, when addressing political issues, people question if politics should be tailored to various demographics. The answer is a resounding yes. Without question, women view politics differently than men. And when it comes to Black women, who are often labeled the “backbone” of the Democrat Party, we must consider effective strategies that appeal to Black women who are disenchanted with their traditional Party. In my recent book, How We Did It, I shared a discussion I had with Sonnie Johnson to analyze what Black women desire most when it comes to politics.
For every action, there is an equal opposite reaction.And in Conservatives’ attempt to quell what they perceive to be anti-White hatred and racism, they have made Black History the target of their disdain.
As Black parents observe your Republican leaders and Conservative parents whitewashing American History, they are making efforts to form their own educational programs that deliver accurate history. Meanwhile, as this shift occurs, Conservatives will find themselves constantly enduring racist battering until they finally learn to listen to Black Conservatives who teach them a better way. Now, let’s get into this teaching. Greetings Beloved,I’d like to begin this lesson with a story about my paternal grandmother, Earnestine Killings. I never met her because she passed away before I was born, but Dad often shared wonderful stories about her.
He told me that growing up, our elders had specific rules when it came to sex and pregnancy. Simply put, if one of her sons got a girl pregnant, that son MUST marry the girl. No exceptions. Perhaps you’re familiar with these types of “shot gun” weddings, too. But it’s interesting to note how social norms morphed over time as our communities became more aligned with Progressive messaging and policy. Greetings Beloved,Today's political climate continues stirring racial animosity between Black voters and White Conservatives. In this article, I dive into a better solution for handling educational topics that often conflict with our conservative values.
Understanding Black History and Black Republicanism and Why Both Must Matter to White Conservatives2/20/2023 Greetings Beloved,For Black Americans today, we have a unique culture and experience. Our history binds us together, even if we live in different parts of the country. For this reason, you will see many of us call each other brothers and sisters, although we may not be related by blood.
Solomon once said, “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).As I examine Black History from the lens of Conscious Conservatism, I find his proverb to be true.
There is nothing new under the Republican Party’s sun, for what is today has been yesterday. And what will be tomorrow is contingent upon what happens now. Greetings Beloved,Issues surrounding Black women continue to be major talking points for Democrats and Progressives.
On the Right, however, not nearly enough is said to warrant Black women’s attention. Yet, recent hearings and arrests related to the January 6th incidents have many Conservatives questioning the legitimacy of the Criminal Justice System. For years, I’ve taught Beloveds about the Law of Sowing and Reaping. When we celebrate the violation of rights for others, we can expect our rights to be violated next. I initially delivered this teaching after witnessing White Conservative pundits lauding the unconstitutional policy, “Stop and Frisk.” Other Black Conservative voices and I told the base that strengthening the arm of government when it is clearly violating the rights of fellow Americans will quickly come back to haunt them. Enter January 6 and our predictions proved accurate. Again, the Law of Sowing and Reaping is ALWAYS in effect. And it keeps an accurate account of what we do and say against others. For this reason, I urge the base to do things a better way so we get better results. In the Scriptures, we find multiple examples of men and women falsely incarcerated for violating man’s laws, even when those laws violated the principles of God. In fact, our own Savior was arrested, tried, convicted, and died a criminal’s death. He was considered a “curse” among men for his alleged folly. Deuteronomy 21:23 alludes to this curse further when it states, “His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.” If you’re familiar with the New Testament, you also know the primary writer was sent to prison numerous times. So were the apostles and many other Biblical figures. When we read these stories, we rarely feel any emotional sting because their experiences are so far removed from our time line. Yet, all throughout Ancient History, we find evidence of people who were wrongly convicted, falsely accused, or serving an exorbitant amount of prison time for petty crimes. The United States is no different. Greetings Beloved,In 2022, the Conscious Conservative Movement made strategic efforts to build an Alliance between Black men and conservative politics.
In Georgia, for example, we showed up on the battlefield of ideas, both online and offline, to present conservatism as an option for Black men, who are traditionally the most conservative voting bloc in the nation. Our efforts proved successful; and I chronicled our achievements and research in my latest book, How We Did It: Reshaping the Narrative, Building the Alliance, and Increasing Black Voter Support for Conservative Politics in the Post-Trump Era. Greetings Beloved,Being a Visionary is challenging.
We are innately "prophetic" because we move based on what we see in the spirit or the mind; and our present actions work in lockstep with our faith. In 2019, after launching the Conscious Conservative Movement using Twitter, I knew the vision entailed us making strides to reach more Black voters. I even knew we would bridge the racial gap between Conservatives and Black Culture. But I didn't know the kind of impact the Movement would have nationwide. I certainly did not expect this vision to reach the heights of Washington D.C. Whenever a Visionary takes another step of faith to see the original idea manifest, new strategies emerge to make the vision a reality. And in 2020, "Dual Domination" became one such strategy as I told Black voters, "This is how we must flex politically from now on." (Note: This article was originally published in 2020 and reproduced in the groundbreaking work, Progressivism is NOT Charity.) Greetings Beloved,I don't know why this is so, but my conservative activism has led me to several Conservatives who believe the Republican Party has no obligation or responsibility to evangelize in Black communities. Several on the base have argued that Black Americans need to come to the Party and show interest in it, despite both political agencies working to appeal to other demographics.
Such nonsense is one of the reasons I backed away from helping the base win, because I realized it is not ready for whatever "Blexit" it claims to be championing. As with anything that must be sold, effective evangelism or persuasive communication strategies are necessary to win over any voting bloc. For example,
But Republicans will not evangelize to Black Americans. Yet, they insist Black Americans are "slaves on a plantation" for voting Democrat. A legitimate criticism is, "If you're not present in Black areas, how else are Black Americans supposed to vote for you?" But I suppose such logic is too deep for the GOP nationwide. Since bringing my activism to Twitter in 2019, I'm proud to say I've seen more Conservative Candidates apply the lessons I (and other conscious influencers) have delivered. They recognized how the GOP's ridiculous marketing tactics have not work, and many have made adjustments themselves as they seek political offices in the local areas. It's hard to scream at the general base when things are changing; and I can only expect more to follow in their footsteps as we seek to ensure conservatism remains the dominant ideology in America. For this reason, I'd like to share what I call "The Fifteen 20 Rise Formula for Effective Outreach." After engaging in research and studying the political landscape via social media, it's clear that with a new approach to Black outreach, the conservative base will be prepared to welcome a new breed of Conscious Black Conservatives, who have the power to reach Black voters. (Note: This lesson is a chapter in The Fifteen 20 Rise. It has been republished on the blog for your empowerment.) |
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